Love Story Corsage Craft Kit

Do you need some beautiful (and inexpensive) corsages for a wedding, formal dance, or event? You’ll love this Love Story Corsage Craft Kit which includes realistic wood flowers, beautiful floral fillers, and dreamy baby’s breath. These beautiful wrist corsages can be fastened using a length of delicate white lace.

The wood flower dye colors pictured here are Powder Pink and Eggplant. If you’re not loving these colors, you can customize this kit by choosing your own dye colors. You can choose two different dye colors according to your personal color scheme and vision for these corsages. With 50+ trendy colors to choose from, you’ll surely find something that you love. Click here to check out our dye color gallery!

 If you don’t know how to make your own corsages, don’t worry. Our floral designers can put them together for you! Just click the “Build it For Me” option and your custom corsages will be shipped right to your doorstep. If you love a good DIY project, select our “Do it Yourself” option. You’ll be provided with all of the necessary supplies to create your stunning corsages. This craft kit includes 9 Sola Wood Flowers, Hot Glue Sample, White Lace, Bleached Baby's Breath Filler Sample, Mini Gyp Green Filler Sample, and 2 - 1oz Bottles of Wood Flower Dye.

When you’re ordering your Love Story Corsage Craft Kit, don’t forget to choose our Sola Softener! Sola Softener is a specialized treatment that our floral designers use to soften and preserve our wood flowers, and you can order it to do an at-home treatment on your flowers. Treating your flowers with Sola Softener will help them to be soft, flexible, and damage-resistant, which will help them to look beautiful forever. For a tutorial on how to treat your wood flowers with Sola Softener, check out this article.